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two-dimensional system中文是什么意思

用"two-dimensional system"造句"two-dimensional system"怎么读"two-dimensional system" in a sentence


  • 平面体系
  • 平面系


  • A new approach for constructing integrable two - dimensional systems of non - autonomuous linear differential equations
  • First , an iterative algorithm to solve the problem of optimal control for complicated systems , namely dynamic integrated system optimization and parameter estimation ( disope ) , is introduced . after that , the 2 - d character and the optimality and the convergence of the algorithm are investigated from a new viewpoint of two - dimensional systems , and the inherent relations of the algorithm are revealed
    首先介绍了解决较复杂系统最优控制问题的一种典型的迭代算法,即动态系统优化与参数估计集成( disope )算法,然后从二维系统的角度详细分析了此算法的二维特征及最优性和收敛性,进一步揭示了算法的内在联系。
  • Although all the present softwares on house property registry management have the functions of searching and statistics , and can finish the most professional work of property registry management , they have common shortcoming : they have no spatial analysis function , therefore , they ca n ' t make full use of property registry information to provide governmental department with high quality policymaking information ; all the data of house property are described in the two - dimensional system , but not in the three - dimensional system , so they ca n ' t exactly reflect , analyze or display the relevant information ; network has been realized within lunits inside department , but it has not yet been used in the whole of department or among the departments ; the development of all the softwares on house property registry management remains on the stage of edp or mis , there is no software of this kind has inquired dss or es
用"two-dimensional system"造句  


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